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July 07, 2004

Commissioner Marion Williams Endorses Doug

marion_williamsAugusta-Richmond Commissioner Marion Williams announced today that he is endorsing in the 12th District Congressional Primary. Williams, pastor of Friendship Baptist Church in Augusta, is serving his second term on the Augusta-Richmond County Commission.

Williams cited Doug's record and dedication to economic development as key reasons for his endorsement of Haines.

"I love Augusta and as a part of our local government, I know what great potential it has as a community," Williams said. "In order for us to realize that potential, Augusta needs strong leadership looking out for us in Washington. Doug Haines has the right ideas on how to help Augusta succeed economically, he has the record of results that shows he can get the job done in Congress, and he is the best candidate to take on Max Burns."

Doug said, "My campaign is focused on building stronger communities and forging healthy relationships between our local government and the federal government. Having the support and confidence of local leaders like Marion demonstrates their commitment to realizing the goal of making all of our communities safe, healthy, and thriving economically."

Williams joins a growing list of state and community leaders who are uniting behind Haines’ candidacy, including State Representative Alberta Anderson, Savannah Alderwoman Mary Osborne, and State Senators Ed Harbison, and Carol Jackson.

July 7, 2004 in 12th District Race | Permalink