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February 11, 2004
Race still matters
I am a college senior and I often hear other students say things like "I don't even see color" or "Race shouldn't matter in our society." I understand that to many people a colorblind society is ideal, but the fact of the matter is that we do see color and that race does matter. If we continue to deny the fact that racial problems still exist, we will never be able to address these problems or improve as a society. -- Noah EdenFebruary 11, 2004 in Race | Permalink
No one denies a problem exists. No one knows how to fix it.
Posted by: tallglassofmilk at Feb 13, 2004 9:50:11 PM
Hello, everyone. I just want all of you to know how much I respect niggers. I love them so much that I believe we should give them free one-way tickets to where they really belong: back home in the jungles of Africa. I hope to get some serious, meaningful dialogue going on this subject. Please feel free to leave a comment on my blog.
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